******* Updates: 2022. 3. 15 *******
1. Added users' demographic information.
Data includes gender, age, dominant hand, height, weight.
2. Added survey results performed every day at the beginning (AM) and at the end (PM) of the experiment.
Column | Descriptions |
amPm | am: Sleep related questionnaire was carried out in the morning. pm: Questionnaire collected factors that may have affect on sleep, performed in the evening. |
sleep | Q. Are you satisfied with your sleep? (Subjective sleep quality score) A. 1 (Not at all), 2 (Not much), 3 (Moderately)), 4 (Fairly), 5 (Fully)
sleepProblem | Q. Did you have problems during sleep? A. 1 (It took more than 30 minutes to fall asleep.), 2 (I was awake during the night or prior to my scheduled wake time.), 3 (I was awake during the night to go to the bathroom.), 4 (I snored loudly during the sleep or woke up during the night choking.), 5 (I was disturbed by the low temperature during sleep.), 6 (I was disturbed by the high temperature during sleep.), 7 (I had nightmares.), 8 (I was disturbed by the pain.), 9 (I was disturbed by other reasons not listed above.), 0 (I did not have any problems.)
| 1 (Nightmare), 2 (Neutral dream), 3 (Nice dream), 4 (None)
| Q. Do you feel refreshed after awakening? (Physical condition) A. 1 (Not at all), 2 (Not much), 3 (Moderately), 4 (Fairly), 5 (Fully)
| Q. How do you feel after awakening? (Emotional condition) A. 1 (Very unpleasant), 2 (Unpleasant), 3 (Moderate), 4 (Pleasant), 5 (Very pleasant)
| Q. How do you feel now? (Emotional condition before you sleep) A. 1 (Very unpleasant), 2 (Unpleasant), 3 (Moderate), 4 (Pleasant), 5 (Very pleasant) |
| Q. How stressed are you today? A. 1 (Very much), 2 (Fairly), 3 (As usual), 4 (Not much), 5 (Not at all)
| Q. How tired are you today? (Physical condition) A. 1 (Very much), 2 (Fairly), 3 (As usual), 4 (Not much), 5 (Not at all) |
| Types of beverages that contains caffeine, if any. |
| Amount of caffeinated beverages (in ml).
| Types of beverages that contains alcohol, if any.
aAmount | Amount of alcoholic beverages (in ml).
3. Added sleep data collected from Withings Sleep Tracking Mat. (API)
Users were informed to install the Mat on their own bed (under the mattress) and take sleep as usual.
Sleep data was automatically synchronized with the server through Withings mobile app.
Column | Descriptions |
startDt | Start date. |
endDt | End date. |
lastUpdate | Timestamp for requesting data that were updated or created after this date. Useful for data synchronization between systems.
| Time spent awake (in seconds).
| Duration in state light sleep (in seconds).
| Duration in state deep sleep (in seconds).
| Number of times the user woke up while in bed. Does not include the number of times the user got out of bed.
| Time to sleep (in seconds).
| Duration in state REM sleep (in seconds).
| Time to wake up (in seconds).
| Average heart rate.
| Minimal heart rate.
| Maximal heart rate.
| Average respiration rate.
| Minimal respiration rate.
| Maximal respiration rate.
| Wellness metric, available for all Sleep and Sleep Analyzer devices. Intensity of breathing disturbances
| Total snoring time
| Numbers of snoring episodes of at least one minute
| Sleep score

To understand the multilateral characteristics of human behavioral and physiological markers related to physical, emotional,
and contextual states, we performed long-term lifelog data collection experiments in a real-world environment.
The processed dataset includes 570 days of experimental sessions, about 7,350 hours of data from 22 subjects.
It contains physiological data such as PPG, EDA, and skin temperature from a wrist-worn sensor (Empatica E4), in addition to
the multivariate behavioral data such as IMU (mobile phone and E4) and GPS data.
The dataset consists of 440,830 processed labels (10,732 unique labels) that comprehend a broad range of everyday activities
(including mode of transportation) and contextual information such as semantic places and social states.
User labels also contain 2D (arousal-valence) emotional states using seven-point Likert scales.
The dataset includes sensory data from the following sensors:
- Triaxial acceleration force (in m/s^2) from the mobile phone accelerometer (30 Hz) and E4 accelerometer (32 Hz)
- Triaxial rate of rotation (in rad/s) and degrees of rotation (in Degrees) from the mobile phone gyroscope (30 Hz)
- Triaxial geomagnetic field strength (in μT) from the mobile phone magnetometer (30 Hz)
- Latitude and longitude, and horizontal accuracy* (in meters) from the mobile phone GPS (every 5 seconds)
- Blood volume pressure (in nano Watt) from E4 photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor (64 Hz)
- Electrodermal activity (skin conductance in μS) from E4 EDA sensor (4 Hz)
- Average** heart rate values (in bps) computed in 10 seconds-span based on the BVP analysis from E4 (1 Hz)
- Peripheral skin temperature (in Celsius degrees) from E4 infrared thermopile (4 Hz)
* The estimated horizontal accuracy is defined as the radius of 68% confidence according to the API.
Reference: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/location/Location#getAccuracy()
** HR values are not derived from a real-time reading but are created after the data collection session.
Reference: https://support.empatica.com/hc/en-us/articles/360029469772-E4-data-HR-csv-explanation
The following table shows the number of data samples and labels for each user.

The dataset includes files in a structure shown below:
+----- USER_ID
| +----- timestamp (DAY 1)
| | +----- e4Acc
| | | timestamp (e4_accelerometer_data).csv
| | | ...
| | +----- e4Bvp
| | | timestamp (e4_blood_volume_pressure_data).csv
| | | ...
| | +----- e4Eda
| | | timestamp (e4_electrodermal_activity_data).csv
| | | ...
| | +----- e4Hr
| | | timestamp (e4_heart_rate_data).csv
| | | ...
| | +----- e4Temp
| | | timestamp (e4_skin_temperature_data).csv
| | | ...
| | +----- mAcc
| | | timestamp (mobile_accelerometer_data).csv
| | | ...
| | +----- mGps
| | | timestamp (mobile_gps_data).csv
| | | ...
| | +----- mGyr
| | | timestamp (mobile_gyroscope_data).csv
| | | ...
| | +----- mMag
| | | timestamp (mobile_magnetometer_data).csv
| | | ...
| | timestamp_label.csv
| +----- timestamp (DAY 2)
| | +----- ...
Directories (in timestamps) located under the USER_ID directory indicate when the user started the experiment each day.
Each day has directories named by the corresponding sensors, which includes data files generated every one minute.
Each data file records raw sensor values in the designated sampling interval with the timestamp.
(Timestamp is represented in second.millisecond format.)
User label files are composed of 12 columns representing the physical, emotional, and contextual states as follows:
Column | Options (Descriptions)
| timestamp
| sleep, personal_care, work, study, household, care_housemem (caregiving), recreation_media, entertainment, outdoor_act (sports), hobby, recreation_etc (free time), shop, communitiy_interaction (regular activity), travel (includes commute), meal (includes snack), socialising |
| Details of the selected action. See the description below.
| meal_amount when action=meal or snack move_method when action=travel |
| 1 (light), 2 (moderate), 3 (heavy) when actionSub=meal_amount 1 (walk), 2 (driving), 3 (taxi, passenger), 4 (personal mobility), 5 (bus), 6 (train, subway), 7 (others) when actionSub=move_method |
| 1 (with families), 2 (with friends), 3 (with colleagues), 4 (acquaintances), 5 (others)
| 1 (passive in conversation), 2 (moderate participation in conversation), 3 (active in conversation)
| home, workplace, restaurant, outdoor, other_indoor
| (negative) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 (positive)
| (relaxed) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 (aroused)
*** Values in the activity column represent the detected activity of the mobile device using Google's Awareness API.
Reference: https://developers.google.com/android/reference/com/google/android/gms/location/DetectedActivity?hl=en
Descriptions for the actionOption field is as follows:
111 Sleep
112 Sleepless
121 Meal
122 Snack
131 Medical services, treatments, sick rest
132 Personal hygiene (bath)
133 Appearance management (makeup, change of clothes)
134 Beauty-related services
211 Main job
212 Side job
213 Rest during work
22 Job search
311 School class / seminar (listening)
312 Break between classes
313 School homework, self-study (individual)
314 Team project (in groups)
321 Private tutoring (offline)
322 Online courses
41 Preparing food and washing dishes
42 Laundry and ironing
43 Housing management and cleaning
44 Vehicle management
45 Pet and plant caring
46 Purchasing goods and services (grocery/take-out)
51 Caring for children under 10 who live together
52 Caring for elementary, middle, and high school students over 10 who live together
53 Caring for a spouse
54 Caring for parents and grandparents who live together
55 Caring for other family members who live together
56 Caring for parents and grandparents who do not live together
57 Caring for other family members who do not live together
81 Personal care-related travel
82 Commuting and work-related travel
83 Education-related travel
84 Travel related to housing management
85 Travel related to caring for family and household members
86 Travel related to participation and volunteering
87 Socializing and leisure-related travel
61 Religious activities
62 Political activity
63 Ceremonial activities
64 Volunteer
711 Offline communication
712 Video or voice call
713 Text or email (Online)
721 Reading books, newspapers, and magazines
722 Watching TV or video
723 Listening to audio
724 Internet search or blogging
725 Gaming (mobile, computer, video)
741 Watching a sporting event
742 Watching movie
743 Concerts and plays
744 Art galleries and museums
744 Amusement Park, zoo
745 Festival, carnival
746 Driving, sightseeing, excursion
751 Walking
752 Running, jogging
753 Climbing, hiking
754 Biking
755 Ball games (soccer, basketball, baseball, tennis, etc)
756 Personal exercises (yoga, pilates, etc.)
756 Camping, fishing
761 Group games (board games, card games, puzzles, etc.)
762 Personal hobbies (woodworking, gardening, etc.)
763 Group performances (orchestra, choir, troupe, etc.)
764 Liberal arts and learning (languages, musical instruments, etc.)
791 Nightlife
792 Smoking
793 Do nothing and rest
91 Online shopping
92 Offline shopping
If you use this dataset in the publication, please cite the following publication:
Seungeun Chung, Chi Yoon Jeong, Jeong Mook Lim, Jiyoun Lim, Kyoung Ju Noh, Gague Kim, Hyuntae Jeong,
Real-world Multimodal Lifelog Dataset for Human Behavior Study, ETRI Journal 43(6), 2021
This work was supported by Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) grant funded by the Korean government.
[21ZS1100, Core Technology Research for Self-Improving Artificial Intelligence System]
The experiment was performed with Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval from the Korea National Institute for Bioethics Policy (KoNIBP).